Information on stations and stops

Bus stop sign at a bus terminal

© rms GmbH

On the page Stations & Stops you can get an idea of the local conditions in advance and check which equipment elements the station can provide, like tactile guide strips, or automatic announcements.

You can also find out about the functionality of lifts and escalators and the emergency facilities on site.

  • Accessible stops usually have a tactile guidance system. From Braille on signs and staircase railings, to tactile strips embedded in the floor. 
  • Some stops are equipped with acoustic announcements for the current departure times. The corresponding button is located under the display case in the waiting hall, or on a separate mast.
  • In the underground stations, the incoming train is announced with line number and destination, whilst every vehicle announces the next stop and also the exit side.
  • Wherever possible, elements such as doors, bus stops or treads are highlighted in contrasting colours and provided with tactile surfaces.

Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (VGF)

Deutsche Bahn (DB)

DB displays lifts at stations that are not in operation: (only in German). Please note that the functionality of DB's lifts is currently not taken into account in in the calculation by the journey planner for accessible travel.

Important phone numbers

At any time, the staff of the RMV service telephone will be happy to provide you with timetable and fares information and further information about RMV - All you have to do is call 069 / 24 24 80 24.

If, for example, you are wheelchair dependent, blind or visually impaired and need help getting in, out or around the staff at the Mobility Service Centre will be happy to organise everything necessary:

Telephone number: (030) 65 21 28 88

Fax number: 0180 5 159 357 (14 cents/min. from landline, mobile phone may differ, max. 42 cents/min)


Opening hours: Monday to Friday 6.00 - 22.00 hours; Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays 8.00 - 20.00 hours

  • Passenger escort service in Frankfurt: 069 / 213-2 31 88
  • Mobile ascending aid for wheelchair users in Frankfurt: 069 / 213-2 27 08