65-plus monthly ticket

eTicket RheinMain smartcard


  • From 65 years and older, independently from the retirement age
  • For unlimited travel in all RMV transport
  • Valid in 2nd class
  • Valid until the same calendar day of the following month (inclusive) until close of services, namely 5.00 a.m. of the following day
  • Daily from 19.00 hrs and all day on weekends and statutory holidays in Hesse: one adult and an unlimited number of children under 15 go free
  • On weekends and statutory holidays in Hesse and on the 24/12 and 31/12, ticket is also valid – regardless of price level – for the entire RMV area without transitional fares

Fares info


From 65 years old - the day on which the user becomes 65 years old is the earliest start of validity

Onward travel ticket


Holder may be accompanied by other persons

Yes the RMV Regulation governing accompanied season ticket holders apply



Use of First Class Travel

Yes, with 1 supplement per person per journey or supplementary season ticket

Cross-network fare


Dial-a-ride taxi service (AST), express bus, etc.

Yes, in some cases with a supplement (1 supplement per person per journey)

Use of IC / EC service



Yes, details: eTicket

  • Persons qualified can order their 65-plus monthly ticket at RMV sales outlets on one-time presentation of official proof of age.
  • Anyone who has a chip card with a saved proof of authorization and has registered it in meinRMV can order a 65-plus monthly ticket in the RMV TicketShop

  • Replacement if lost subject to a 10.00 Euro processing fee.

  • If you forget your 65-plus monthly ticket and are asked to produce your ticket, you will only have to pay 7.00 euro instead of the usual 60.00 euro.

Price and Applicability

Points of Sales
