The right connection
Wherever you're going to and wherever you're starting from - find the best, fastest and easiest way of getting from A to B.
Journey planner
Next departure
Service timetable
The entire route – from the stop you start from to your destination stop with all the stops in between plus departure times.
Personalised route timetable
Do you take the same route regularly? You can compile your own personal timetable as a PDF file here or for use on your mobile phone.
Stop display
Call up arrivals and departures at the individual stops for a specific day or period of time.
Network maps
Here you will find the network maps for the S-Bahn, rail and busses in the RMV area.
Stations & stops
Get an overview of our mobility provision at the different stations & stops.
Night travel
The many night routes in the RMV region ensure that You get safely to where you want to go from late at night to early in the morning.