Day tickets

Travelling here and there or back and forth? You can explore the RMV network in one day. Travel alone or in a group, in just one fare zone or throughout Hesse. We have just the right ticket for you:

Day ticket

Often less expensive than single tickets for 2 or more rides. And, if you are still up to it at night, you can go out using the night lines. Their use is included.

Day ticket

Group day ticket

Valid for up to 5 persons. However, it is even worth it if 2 persons each ride twice. Good planning reduces travelling expenses.

Group day ticket


When five of you are out and about, you can use Monday to Friday from 9 o'clock on all local transport services throughout Hesse. You can even take the first rail service of the day at weekends and on public holidays in Hesse plus 24th and 31st December.


Large group ticket

Valid for 10 to 50 people. The ticket that always charges each member of the party the cheapest price. Plan ahead and you’ll travel cheaper.

Large group ticket

Supplementary ticket

Would you like to travel First Class on RMV rail services? Easy! Just get hold of a supplementary ticket. They are available for single journeys or as a supplementary season ticket for your weekly, monthly or annual season ticket.

Supplementary ticket