Express buses in Frankfurt

The X for Frankfurt.
© traffiQ
The express bus routes X58, X61 and X77 offer attractive connections for short journey times and direct routes to Frankfurt Airport. Since december 11th there is another express bus route: X53 runs from Zeilsheim to Frankfurt Airport Terminal 1.
The express bus routes have a streamlined route and primarily use express roads. In the interest of acceleration, they only run to selected stops. Most of these stops are places where key changes can be made. In this way, they achieve considerable travel time gains of up to 15 minutes compared to current bus services. The destination of all express bus routes is Frankfurt Airport.
Here is an overview of the express bus routes
- X53: Airport Terminal 1 - Zeilsheim - Höchst Bahnhof – Höchst Bolongaropalast
- X58: Höchst Bahnhof - Airport Terminal 1
- X61: Südbahnhof - Gateway Gardens Nord - Airport Terminal 1
- X77: Südbahnhof - Gateway Gardens - CargoCity Süd
From the previous final stop of Line 53 Zeilsheim Bahnhof all stops in Sindlingen will be served. From Sindlingen Friedhof the bus will use expressways to Frankfurt Airport. Beyond Terminal 1 the X53 will run the stops Lufthansa Aviation Center and Lufthansabasis as well as the new stop Tor 20. So the districts Zeilsheim and Sindlingen get a fast and direct bus connection to Frankfurt Airport.
Besides X53 the new bus stop Tor 20 in the direction of Terminal 1 will be served by route X58 and Line 58 as well as from buses from Landkreis Groß-Gerau. In the direction of Höchst the stop Tor 3 will be served by routes X53, X58 and Line 58.
The routes will run daily from 4.00 a.m. to 1.00 a.m. at least every 30 minutes.