Weekly ticket for pupils and apprentices

- For as many journeys as required
- For pupils and apprentices
Fares info
Onward travel ticketYes | |
Holder may be accompanied by other personsNo | |
TransferableNo | |
Use for First Class travelYes, with 1 supplement per person per journey or with a supplementary season ticket | |
Cross-network fareYes | |
Dial-a-ride taxi service (AST), express bus, etc.Yes, in some cases with a supplement (1 supplement per person per journey) | |
eTicketYes, except for cross-network fare zones |
- For use on all RMV modes of transport in the authorised fare zones.
- Valid for pupils, apprentices, students (at Universities without RMV-SemesterTicket), visiting pupils, pupils on exchanges, work experience students and gap year students engaged in voluntary social or environmental work. The full overview is printed on the order form.
- The weekly ticket comprises of the paper customer card and token or is issued as eTicket on a chip card with the proof of eligibility and ticket. The travel permit for the respective valid period is stored on the chip.
- The weekly ticket charged at training rate is only valid when presented with an RMV Customer Card or proof of eligibility stored on the smartcard. The customer card number must be entered onto the token using a ball-point pen. The customer card and the token must have the same number.
RMV Customer Card / proof of eligibility:
- Normally valid for the whole academic/training year.
- Must be ordered and collected from a RMV distribution outlet
- Order forms are available:
- to download as a PDF file further down on this page (only in German)
- at all RMV distribution outlets and RMV Mobility Centres
- from public transport companies
- The order form should be returned to these places of issue.
- For applicants of 18 years of age or older, it must be signed by someone at the training centre. Up to the age of 18, official proof of age is sufficient.
Weekly token / ticket:
- Valid for seven consecutive days until 5.00 am on the eighth day.
- Choose your own start date, at distribution outlets up to 8 weeks, at ticket machines up to 4 weeks in advance.
- They are available:
- at RMV ticket machines bearing the eTicket ligo (for eTicket on chip card)
- in RMV distribution outlets and RMV Mobility Centres
- online in the RMV TicketShop (eTicket on chip card)
- from the bus driver for some public transport companies (only as a paper token)
Information on the eTicket
- At RMV ticket machines bearing the eTicket logo the weekly ticket for pupils and apprentices is issued as eTicket. Only tickets for RMV cross-network fare zones are still issued on paper. This means:
- You must have a smartcard and eligibility for using the ticket charged at the training rate must be stored on it. If the eligibility time window corresponds to the ticket selection, the monthly ticket for the RMV area is solely issued as an electronic ticket. If the selection does not correspond, a ticket cannot be purchased.
- Mixing eTicket and paper format (eligibility on the eTicket and monthly ticket as a token or vice versa) is not possible.
Price and Applicability
- You can find the price of your ticket in our timetable information. You can find the applicable fare information by looking at the journey planner.
We have a special city tariff in Frankfurt. Weekly tickets for Frankfurt are valid in the entire city area including the airport (fare zones 5000 and 5090).
The following prices apply for the city area (tariff zones 5000 and 5090):
- Weekly ticket for pupils and apprentices: 25.00 euros
Weekly tickets in Frankfurt are available at RMV sales offices, at the VGF-Service-Centers Hauptwache, B-Ebene, and Konstablerwache, B-Ebene, (opening hours: vgf-ffm.de/servicecenter), online at meine.vgf-ffm.de and at ticket vending machines. Weekly tickets cannot be purchased at the bus ticket office.
- Some cities and districts in the RMV offer tickets under special conditions. You can find more detailed information under Local tickets.
- Our common conditions of carriage (only in German) and fare regulations (only in German) apply.
RMV customer card for pupils and apprentices - order form (only in German)
The order form for print. You can obtain larger number of order forms (for example for schools) at your relevant transport company or your local public transport organisation.
As on: February 2022