Welcome to our English language pages
Our foreign language pages provide you with all the important information you need for travelling by bus and rail on RMV services - from timetables right through to ticket purchases.
If you would like more extensive information on RMV’s products and services, we supply an overview of other content available in German only.
The Deutschland-Ticket
With the Deutschlandticket, you can travel by bus and train for just 49 euros a month - nationwide!
More information about the Deutschland-Ticket
The most important things to know about the Hessenpass mobil
The right ticket - wherever you’re heading
Sale of tickets
You can buy our tickets at various locations:
Lines & network
Learn more about our mobility offer. Here is our RMV network and our lines:
- Suburban train map (PDF)
- Regional train network map (PDF)
Interactive map
Our interactive map lets you check out all our tips for days out and lots of tourist attractions so you’ll know precisely what there is to discover and where to find it.
Interactive map(only in German)
Special information
Ticket offers for excursion & sightseeing
The RheinMainCard offers discounts at many recreational establishments which makes it perfect for your next excursion as it also includes bus and rail travel.
About RMV
Our objective is to provide the best mobility offers to you. Learn more about RMV's tasks, services and special service here.
See which ticket suits you best: Overview of the range of tickets
You need help in person or by phone?
All you need to know if You have any mobility restrictions like a wheelchair or if You are traveling with a pram: Passengers with limited mobility
Always well informed
Stay up-to-date. RMV provides you with news worth knowing on the topic of mobility.
Always well advised
Do you have any queries regarding the mobility offers of RMV? We will be happy to answer your questions and look forward to hearing from you.
Lost property
Did you forget something? You can get help here and hopefully will recover your belongings quickly:
RMV Service Hotline: 069 / 24 24 80 24